Admissions & Orientation Resources

Programming information

Teacher Team FAQ
Programming Costs

admissions & enrollment resources*

*All forms are due prior to meeting your teacher
Student Application
Enrollment Agreement
EFT Form
Supplemental Documentation
Student & Family Handbook

ideal learning space

An ideal workspace includes a laptop or desktop computer in a quiet space and a document camera set up and ready to go so that your child can easily share their work with their teacher in real time.

An ideal workspace includes a laptop or desktop computer in a quiet space and a document camera set up and ready to go so that your child can easily share their work with their teacher in real time.

One of the best things you can do to set your child up for success is to help them set up their learning space, including their document camera.

Please make sure your child has the following in place prior to the first day of class:

  • A laptop or desktop computer (we recommend against using Chromebooks or iPads)

  • A document camera (view easy set up instructions) and white board (you should have received a tech box in the mail)

  • A quiet place to work, free of distractions

  • Necessary learning resources: paper, pen/pencil, required books/assignments