Differentiate Your Transcript with 1:1 AP Courses

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Taking challenging courses requires the student to have a strong sense of responsibility and commitment. At PacPrep, we’re happy to offer our students the opportunity to inspire themselves by taking an Advanced Placement (AP) class. We offer a variety of AP courses that give students a meaningful way to receive college credit while in high school.

Flexible, Online, and One-on-One

Our AP courses are entirely online giving your family the freedom to schedule around your needs. Each course is yearlong with the option of taking the comprehensive exam at the end of the academic year (typically offered in May or June). Since each course is one-on-one, with one teacher and one student, your child will receive direct instruction in a content area that will engage them in critical thinking, analysis, and discovery.

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With many schools moving to test-optional and some, like the University of California, not accepting SAT or ACT scores, there is an increasing need for students to stand out on their college applications in other ways.

In fact, the College Board recommends that students who have AP scores submit them to supplement their admissions file to help increase their chances of admittance. PacPrep students can make their transcript stand out by taking a 1:1 AP course this school year.

We also offer customized special topics courses in addition to APs, which can help differentiate transcripts and allow students to stand out during the college application process in addition to providing them with a deep understanding of a specific topic.

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Learn More and Register

Interested in learning more about our 1:1 school and our curriculum approach? Speak with our admissions team to hear more about what we offer and how that can support the academic goals and needs of your child. To register for live, online, 1:1 courses in any subject with us, please contact us.