High School & College Credit Courses

Explore your passion project and receive high school and college credit with Pacific Preparatory.

Enroll in a Pacific Preparatory high school course and complete a capstone project with our partner Polygence to earn University of California college credit.

How it Works

  • Enroll in a 1:1 online course with Pacific Preparatory, where we will develop a customized high school course based on your child’s unique interests.

  • At the end of the course, your child will be connected with a Polygence mentor. They will work together over the course of 10 sessions to design and produce an honors capstone project. 

  • The capstone project will be submitted to the University of California for credit approval at the end of the term.

  • You will receive a PacPrep transcript for your course and will work with Polygence to submit your project for UC credit through their Gifted & Talented Institute to apply for UC Credit. 

What is Polygence?

Polygence is a team of academics and educators united in their passion to make research more widely accessible to all interested students. Founded by Stanford and MIT PhDs, they bring the academic mentorship model of deep intellectual inquiry to students across the country.

Program Cost

$7000 for customized Pacific Preparatory course and Polygence capstone project 

$1700 University of California Gifted and Talented Institute college credit

Recommended Courses

  • Honors Computer Science

  • Honors English

  • Women in US History

  • World History

  • Biology or Marine Biology

  • Introduction to Statistics

  • Explorations in Data Science

  • Principles of Economics