What are Pacific Preparatory teachers most excited about this year?

When you ask most students what their least favorite thing about school is, many will roll their eyes and say “homework.” This is not usually the case with Pacific Preparatory students, though. This is because our customized private homeschool experience tailors assignments and projects to students’ interests. Because students work one-on-one with their teachers in class, our teachers don’t often need to assign traditional homework. Rather, students work on engaging projects and units that extend their learning beyond the walls of the classroom. 

Students with us work on all sorts of amazing things. They write their own play manuscripts. They learn how to code. They use their illustration skills to bring ancient civilizations to life. Every semester, our teachers’ syllabi look completely different. They’re constantly being reworked and reinvigorated to meet each student’s interest.

So, what are some of the units and projects our teachers are especially excited about this year? 

I’m really looking forward to our anti-racism units in social studies, which includes some pretty amazing historical fiction chapter books.
— Nataly W.
I’m so excited for my student to get to Systems of Linear Equations in our math course. He has such a passion for math and this unit always lets students see how their work has been building to this complex topic. When you work with a student in a one-on-one private homeschool environment, they can really see these connections in a way that is so satisfying.
— Elizabeth N.
Later this semester, my student’s going to make their own graphic novel (while we work online together!). I’m so excited to see their progress!
— Frannie I.
I’m so excited for my student to work on Frankenstein’s Diary!
— Theresa T.
I’m excited for a long-term math project that relates fractions, decimals, and percentages. I’m hoping the elongated process and relationship-building will help this student who struggles with multi-step processing.
— Jen A.
I am so looking forward to designing engaging real-world projects that directly tie into my students’ interests!
— Ellie V.
I love using Google Slides projects, as they allow for a lot of creativity and I can see my students work in real time.
— Emma B.
One of my students will be using his animation skills to enliven our “etymology in action” units. I’m also excited about one of my social studies students. For one of his projects, he will be choosing a landmark or monument of which to create a model with Legos to accompany his Google Slide presentation at the end of October!  He already built a mini model of a pirate ship that represents the history of pirates in the country he is researching. The list goes on and on!
— Darla R. 

From the real-life application of complex math equations, to animation, to Lego monument models, to coding, to graphic novels, our teachers are excited to take online private homeschool to the next level. For our teachers, worksheets and rote memorization are a thing of the past. When a syllabi is based around a student’s interests, the possibilities for learning are endless. If your child finds themselves feeling a bit bored and antsy in their Zoom lectures or in large classroom formats in general, a one-on-one private homeschool experience (online or in person) might be a good fit for them. We’d love to see what our teachers can dream up for them!