Meet Sari, a seasoned school administrator turned parenting consultant, who launched The Parental Edge to support families in navigating the complexities of raising children today. From personalized consultations to collaboration with schools and caregivers, Sari provides actionable strategies to help parents feel confident and connected in their parenting journey.
Read MoreAt Pacific Preparatory, we are so lucky to work with the most thoughtful and inspiring instructors, all who bring lessons to life with engaging connections to student interests and their community. This month, we are excited to introduce Alan!
Read MoreAt Pacific Preparatory, we are so lucky to work with the most thoughtful and inspiring instructors, all who bring lessons to life with engaging connections to student interests and their community. This month, we are excited to introduce Brian!
Read MoreStudents with chronic health conditions face unique obstacles in typical classroom environments and while brick-and-mortar schools often try to accommodate these students, traditional schedules and routines can still be difficult to navigate. Pacific Preparatory holistically supports students with chronic health issues, as we are uniquely positioned to offer the flexibility and high level of support and accommodation.
Read MoreAt Pacific Preparatory, we are so lucky to work with the most thoughtful and inspiring instructors, all who bring lessons to life with engaging connections to student interests and their community. This month, we are excited to introduce Kayla!
Read MoreWhile many teachers and parents know that middle and high school students benefit from executive functioning support, we have also found that college freshmen benefit from it as well. Newly tasked with navigating an academic environment without the majority of their previous tools, college freshmen thrive when paired with a coach and an advocate who can, among other things, help them set and track goals, manage their time, and cultivate resilience.
Read MoreAt the end of the fall semester, our community came together to celebrate all our students’ hard work in our first ever Fall Showcase. We created a virtual bulletin board highlighting particular projects and allowing other students, families, teachers and administrators to leave comments. Students were thrilled to see what their peers have been up to!
Read MoreKeeping families informed is at the forefront of what we do. Sharing a student’s progress report is just one of our touchpoints, with our conferences being another opportunity to connect.
Read MoreExplore the resonant themes and insightful discussions from season 1 of 'Forget What You Learned' that have sparked a discussion about educational reform and inspired listeners seeking meaningful change.
Read MoreJoin the Tutor Corps and Pacific Preparatory team for an engaging podcast for families: “Forget What You Learned.” Host and parent Cory Greenberg delves into our modern education system through conversations with experts who uncover the limitations of our approach and reveal inspiring alternatives. Don't miss this engaging series on Apple and Spotify.
Read MoreThe latest in our Interview with an Expert series features close friends and professional partners, Drs. Carin Laue and Erin Rossello, who bring a warm, empathic approach to helping children and families.
Read MoreLast spring, Admissions Manager Molly Tweten came up with a really good idea. Within her role at PacPrep, Molly talks with prospective families who are exploring school options, and offers ongoing support to our current cohort of students and their families. She started to notice a common thread in many of her conversations with families: many students had negative experiences at previous schools and had lower self-confidence. With this in mind, she really wanted to shift the conversation, not just for these students, but all students. She wanted every student to have a positive school experience and reframe their inner narrative about their skills. Her idea was to create one-of-a-kind Strengths-Based Certificates, or “SRC’s” for each and every PacPrep student.
Read MoreCelebrating Autism Acceptance Month with Canadian author, Alexandra Hoffman, and her latest children’s book, Masterpiece.
Read MoreSpring book clubs at PacPrep included exclusive visits from each of the authors! The students asked questions, learned about the writing process, and learned how to make their own writing pieces seen by experts in the industry.
Read MoreAs teachers at a 1:1 school, PacPrep teachers are especially well-equipped to take on the challenge of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The very nature of 1:1 sessions allows for this thoughtful exploration, continuous real-time feedback, and relationship-building. Together, teachers and students can explore AI while developing student writing skills in tandem.
Read MoreFamilies exploring the transition from traditional schools to learning at home put socialization at the top of their worry list. The good news is, modern homeschooling offers a wealth of opportunities for kids to engage with their peers, all at a family’s fingertips.
Read MoreFor students that are twice exceptional, PacPrep’s approach is tailored to target instruction specifically around a student’s strengths.These are emphasized while honoring their challenges, interests, and goals as we work toward crafting a school experience that is positive and conducive to learning.
Read MoreThe latest in our “Interview with an Expert” series features Diana Clark, whose unique personal story drives her daily commitment to helping struggling families.
Read MoreAs Tutor Corps approaches its 20th anniversary, we ask: who are we and what drives us? What needs are we meeting?
Read MorePacPrep’s Instructional Manager, Kathy Tojaga, shares how our teachers utilize high-quality feedback to enhance student learning.
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