Educational Therapist series: Leyla Ostin & Sarah Cacciato

We are so pleased to feature some incredible Educational Therapists in our latest Interview with an Expert series. PacPrep often collaborates with Educational Therapists in the community to holistically support our students with learning challenges, ensuring the learning plans are customized for each student's unique needs.

Give us a short summary of the scope of your work and the population you serve.

L&S Special Education Consulting and Services consults with families of children grades K-12 with disabilities and various learning styles; L&S creates and implements customized education strategies that allow children to reach their full learning potential. Through this process, we can successfully transfer academic, social, emotional, and behavior management skills into the home setting. L&S provides a whole host of services ranging from Educational Therapy to Executive Functioning Coaching, to Community Integration.

How did you get into your field? What sparks your passion for your work?

Working with children has been a passion for both of us for as long as we can remember! We have always been intrigued by the field of education even since high school. We went from volunteering in classrooms and Special Olympics, to then following our passion by studying education throughout college and graduate school. We both love how the field of education is ever changing and growing. It feels very special to be a part of the process that helps to create and implement customized education strategies that allow children to reach their full learning potential.

What are some of the challenges in education right now and how do you see your role in meeting those?

Educators are lacking fundamental skills for how to work with children with disabilities. We’re seeing more and more that students are either placed in self-contained, very restrictive environments, solely based on their disability, or placed in general education classrooms with very little support (i.e., modified or differentiated work), and limited resources to promote success. L&S is hoping to change this model by working closely with schools and teachers to help coach them on how to differentiate curriculum, create behavioral supports for the classrooms, and teach best practices to help all students thrive in the classroom setting.

Tell us an inspirational story from your career.

Last year in the height of Covid, L&S worked with five families whose children were unable to access their academics virtually and created an in person educational pod. Leyla transformed her backhouse and backyard into a classroom, and we functioned as a school for the duration of the school year. Not only were we able to individualize all instruction to meet each child’s needs and personal learning styles, but it was a place where we could have heartfelt, deep discussions around current events and the world as we knew it. It was an unbelievably unique opportunity that brought the entire pod stability, safety, and happiness during extremely difficult times.

What is a message you would like to send to parents, students, and teachers who are reading this right now?

We want all families and students to know that they are doing an amazing job! These last few years have been trying for everyone. Everyone is doing the best they can and that is enough!

How can families get in touch with you?

You can reach us at: