Five Ways PacPrep Supports Students' Mental Health

Acknowledging the interconnectedness of students’ academic and emotional growth means that, at every step of the process, we need to be aware of students’ mental health in order for them to become their best academic selves. May marks Mental Health Awareness month and, as such, there’s no better time than the present to reiterate the importance of a holistic approach to education, especially with new data coming out around children’s well-being during the pandemic. 

At every step of the process, PacPrep’s primary goal is to provide exceptional, individualized education. This means that we leverage a relationship-based approach to create personalized learning plans that help each student thrive in their own unique way. We’ve built our program around this model quite simply because it works. Approaching each learner holistically allows us to help them excel, both academically and emotionally. 

The CDC’s latest report reveals some tough truths about the current state of children’s mental health. According to the new data, in 2021, more than a third (37%) of high school students reported they experienced poor mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, and 44% reported they persistently felt sad or hopeless during the past year. Schools tend to play a significant role in either exacerbating or mitigating the effects of this crisis, as the right school environment can grant students a “sense of being cared for, supported, and belonging.” The report states that these feelings are “key to addressing youth adversities at all times – especially during times of severe disruptions.” The Director of the CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health notes that “[s]tudents need our support now more than ever, whether by making sure that their schools are inclusive and safe or by providing opportunities to engage in their communities and be mentored by supportive adults.”

We take this directive incredibly seriously and understand the positive impact our model can have on preventing, addressing and supporting our students’ mental health concerns. We are so honored to proactively support our students’ mental health in the following ways:

1. Our teachers act as astute mentors in tune with students’ needs

Through our 1:1 model, teachers are able to assess student needs and moods, more easily able to sense when a student is having an ‘off’ day. Teachers are able to notice right away, gently check in, and adjust instruction accordingly. For instance, a teacher might notice a student is much less forthcoming than usual in discussion. They could address this directly without shame, asking the student if they would like to pivot to a new topic or activity until they’re able to return. In real time, they can adjust the instruction to meet that student’s needs that day, opening space for further discussion if a student feels comfortable sharing.  

2. We collaborate with professionals working with students

Many PacPrep students join us with highly-skilled therapists and support professionals already in their corner (or we’re happy to make referrals if a student finds them need additional support). We then work closely with these professionals and integrate any recommendations from their team into the student’s learning plan. For instance, we can provide a safe space to weave in therapist recommendations that might be harder to integrate into a brick-and-mortar setting. And, we can ensure the learning plan is built around those recommendations rather than added on as an afterthought. 

3. We integrate Social Emotional Learning into lessons

Supported by fantastic SEL curriculum and resources developed by our Curriculum Specialist, our amazing mentor teachers ensure that lessons teach content while building up important SEL skills. Teachers can pivot and focus on the exact skills most useful to each student, ready to support them in the growth to become their more confident self. 

4. We identify and thoughtfully share resources as needed with families

Because our families are spread nationwide, PacPrep is highly invested in seeking out high-quality professionals across the country. After 20 years in the field, we have identified many trusted colleagues who support families in the mental health space.

5. We concentrate academic time so there’s more time for enriching activities

With a 1:1 education model, lessons are incredibly efficient, tailored to exactly what each student needs. Students make steady progress through their learning plans in less time than they’d spend in a brick-and-mortar school, leaving space in their day to pursue things that feed their soul. This shows students that, even at a structural level, we acknowledge the importance of realizing their interests and self outside of the classroom. 

If a 1:1 approach to education seems like the right fit for your child, we’d be proud to serve as their partner in this journey. We are always committed to helping students find the right space to thrive, and that is especially true during trying times.