Meet Sari, a seasoned school administrator turned parenting consultant, who launched The Parental Edge to support families in navigating the complexities of raising children today. From personalized consultations to collaboration with schools and caregivers, Sari provides actionable strategies to help parents feel confident and connected in their parenting journey.
Read MoreAt Pacific Preparatory, we are so lucky to work with the most thoughtful and inspiring instructors, all who bring lessons to life with engaging connections to student interests and their community. This month, we are excited to celebrate Lyndsay!
Read MoreThe latest in our "Interview with an Expert" series features Josh Horwatt, a self-described alien whose sense of humor and positive energy engage and inspire his students.
Read MoreScience–but how do you make it hands on!? This is one of the most common questions we get when speaking to prospective families about PacPrep’s online, one-on-one model. It comes up most often in the context of science classes.
Read MoreAsking for and using your trans or nonbinary students’ pronouns is one of the most powerful ways you can support their learning and growing
Read MoreWe’re pleased you’re here, and we have some ideas to share with you.
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